Monday 6 March 2017

⏳Sunday Funeral (Favona)⏳

IALT: reflect on the Funeral, my family & attended

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Yesterday at 8.00pm we were on a
 way driving to Favona (In Mangere)... Due to a funeral we were a ked to sing at, and attend to. At a type of thing like this, in the Tongan culture it is known as a Apo. Each church basically just sings a song each. IF YOU think of it we basically just take turns. It was boring at first because we just sat there,  8.30pm and had to wait till the service finished at 10.00pm. Once the service is over for the churches singing, it's your choice whether you would want to stay over night,  or not. We couldn't stay over night because, My dad was working, and we also had school... Well only Ma'asi, who attends Edgewater College, and My sister Sydney, who is currently at Auckland university studying, law and hoping to become a lawyer one day. Myself, & Amon (At Tamaki Primary), have teachers only day today which means for today we get to choose want we want to do, well mostly!

As I was at the funeral I saw one of my peers, from school there. I saw Siale, it was very sad to hear the person who died, him and his family were very close with. For the past few days (Last Week), he had to miss out school because of the funeral, which was like me when my Grandpa died 2 years ago.

We saw heaps of different family and friends at the funeral,

Have you ever been to a funeral? 
If yes, what was something that stood out to you?

Because something that stood out to me was when I looked around, and saw all the different churches there, and all the different people crying, with sadness and depression!

Please leave a comment below!
Many Thanks...


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