Tuesday 13 June 2017


IALT: reflect on presenting my presentation to my class.

So, today I finally had a chance to practice presenting my presentation to an real, authentic audience before presenting for real on the big day (tomorrow). When I was presenting a lot of things were going through my head for example, every time I lifted my head all I saw was all these eyes staring at me! Which made me feel DIZZY, but then again I do have to work on overcoming my fear of shyness, well at times. As I was presenting, I recognized a few mistakes in my presentation which was good to me, well because isn't it better to practice and fix the mistakes, rather than getting up on the day and embarrassing yourself, by showcasing all the punctuation, spelling, and grammar mistakes! Which is probably a sign saying you didn't double check your/my work???!!!! Also when I presenting I also realised what I needed to work on for next time, and things I couldn't have done to cut down time! In this presentation presenting you only 3 minutes. And if you have a type of movie, skit , rap or poem on the side of this it gets added in with your presentation!
Image result for presenting
Next time I would like t work on speaking slower, and giving, and projecting my voice so a range of people, near and far have the ability of hearing me! I would also like to work on giving, and making more eye contact with my audience! The reason for this is because when people present in front, or to me I expect for people or the presenter(s) to make contact with me!

Also, next time I think I would like to take out some of the parts in my presentation that just re-peat itself. And to also double check, or even triple check my work! Which was something I was able to achieve before putting my presentation for my blog viewers, to view, and leave feedback, feedforward and comments below.

One last thing, I hope next time for my teacher, or the teacher of the lesson to allow for my peers/classmates, and friends to give me feedback on what I could better nextime.

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Have you ever been nervous in presenting, in front of crowds or audiences? & Do you have any tips in overcoming this fear?!

Please leave a comment below, and I hope to get back to you! 


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