I am learning to write a poem based on DINNER time at Camp Raglan
This poem will be mainly talking, and also be describing Dinner Time, at Camp Raglan. I've decided to write about Dinner, because mainly when you think of dinner the only thought that comes to your head is well saying GRACE, and eating FOOD.. but more happened at Camp Raglan when Dinner time came around. Not only did we say Grace, and also not only did we eat our food.. but more adventures came along...
My Poem...
Noisy, Delicious,
Eating, Talking, Laughing,
Phenomenal, Entertainment,
What I'm trying to say in this poem, is that we didn't only learn more about each other while being outdoors, we could also learn more about each other.. while having meal times.. Especially DINNER TIME. When we have dinner time at Camp Raglan, I learnt some new things based on my friends.. for example I learnt what they enjoyed the most during the time they had at camp that they, thier highlights.. and lowlights.. and also what they would like to look forward in achieving while being at Camp Raglan. Dinner time was one of my favouirte meals.. because that was basically the time where you could have the opportunity to share your thoughts about the day you had.. and also the opportunity to open up to one another.
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